1989 Dead Coins, Contact For Errors
Bit Tokens
Ticker: BXT
Launch: 2016
Death: 2018
Type : Coin
Supply: 850 Thousand
Founder : Hidden
Reason : ico Fail

More Details : Bit Tokens

Bit Tokens (BXT) started in 2016 and finished in 2018, with a total supply of 850 thousand coins. The team/founder is hidden, The main reason this coin was listed is ico fail.

Mineable, website redirects to bitcointalk. (copy paste from old website The BitToken is an improved Bitcoin. Experiencing faster block times, BitToken excels in providing the populace with a more convenient alternative due to faster transactions. BitTokens won't face the same full block issues as Bitcoin as it can maintain more than 3x transaction capacity in the timeframe of a Bitcoin block. In the future, improvements will be added to the codebase, pulled from other successful currencies to allow BitTokens to function with the benefits of many innovative coins.

1989 Dead Coins Total