1989 Dead Coins, Contact For Errors
Function Coin
Ticker: FCC
Launch: 2014
Death: 2014
Type : Coin
Supply: 1.1 Million
Founder : Hidden
Reason : Desertion

More Details : Function Coin

Function Coin (FCC) started in 2014 and finished in 2014, with a total supply of 1.1 million coins. The team/founder is hidden, The main reason this coin was listed is desertion.

(from old site) Functioncoin is an Ultra-secure, Democratic and ASIC-resistant Crypto-currency. FCC introduces a series of novel and secure hash algorithm, which is a combination of SHA-256, Keccak-512 (a.k.a., SHA-3), Grøestl-512 and BLAKE-512. Compared to the SHA-256 used by BTC, these algorithms use redundant cryptographic hash function to ensure the safety of the blockchain and are more resistant to the 51% attack. Mining FCC can only be mined with CPU this time. Compared to BTC and LTC which can be mined with ASIC and GPU, the integrated algorithm of FCC make it CPU-only and consume less energy.

1989 Dead Coins Total