1989 Dead Coins, Contact For Errors
Grumpy Coin
Ticker: GRUMP
Launch: 2014
Death: 2014
Type : Coin
Supply: 19.1 Billion
Founder : Hidden
Reason : Desertion

More Details : Grumpy Coin

Grumpy Coin (GRUMP) started in 2014 and finished in 2014, with a total supply of 19.1 billion coins. The team/founder is hidden, The main reason this coin was listed is desertion.

(from old site) Grumpy Coin is a secure currency protected by Cryptography based on open source with ultra secure wallet encryption. As a descendant of Bitcoin it shares many similarities. Anywhere in the world, you can send or receive GrumpyCoins. You can get GrumpyCoins for free by mining them in a Pool, or trading other coins for them on an exchange.

1989 Dead Coins Total