1989 Dead Coins, Contact For Errors
Pi Coin
Ticker: PI
Launch: 2017
Death: 2017
Type : Coin
Supply: 1.3 Million
Founder : Hidden
Reason : Scaming

More Details : Pi Coin

Pi Coin (PI) started in 2017 and finished in 2017, with a total supply of 1.3 million coins. The team/founder is hidden, The main reason this coin was listed is scaming.

On πCoin (PiCoin) everything is about π. We think that π is playing a very big role in the real world (basically almost every thing is related to π) and that it also should play a very big role in the world of cryptocurrencies. πCoin is forming all of its specifications around the number Pi. After watching many many coins, we noticed a trend going to ICO coins. ICO coins are basically premined (generated in the genesis block) and are sold before the wallet is out. This kind of coin distribution has some risks to the investors and we think that this is no good option for new people on the world of crypto currencies. With our slow coindistribution, which is generally completely free and available for anyone, we create a completely risk free coin. Instead of contributing all coins right in the beginning, we choose to drop them slowly. Our goal is it to avoid an instant dump, instead creating bigger and bigger attention with the target to grow a bigger and bigger community.

1989 Dead Coins Total