1989 Dead Coins, Contact For Errors
Pxl Coin
Ticker: PXL
Launch: 2014
Death: 2014
Type : Coin
Supply: 10 Million
Founder : Hidden
Reason : Desertion

More Details : Pxl Coin

Pxl Coin (PXL) started in 2014 and finished in 2014, with a total supply of 10 million coins. The team/founder is hidden, The main reason this coin was listed is desertion.

The Million Dollar Homepage was created in 2005, where people could purchase pixels on the site for $1 and then upload an image and hyperlink. As people began buying up those pixels and uploading their images, the homepage was filled out and internet history was created. Today marks the beginning of a new era! PXLCoin contains a new canvass for the cryptocurrency community. Instead of charging real money, each pixel on the site can be purchased using PXLs. Upload whatever your imagination desires - your clan logo, pictures of your doge, a business logo or advertisement - whatever you want. And the image can also link to a web URL. So let's see what you all can come up. Please keep it clean.

1989 Dead Coins Total