1989 Dead Coins, Contact For Errors
Ticker: BALLS
Launch: 2014
Death: 2014
Type : Coin
Supply: 280 Billion
Founder : Hidden
Reason : Scaming

More Details : Snowballs

Snowballs (BALLS) started in 2014 and finished in 2014, with a total supply of 280 billion coins. The team/founder is hidden, The main reason this coin was listed is scaming.

(from old site) Put simply, I've had a lot of requests to do something with Nxt and until now I never really had a reason to. I've been convinced that there is an opportunity for us to get more people involved with these coins. We have GorillaStk on Nxt, also on SAE, which will be open fairly soon. These will be used to trade in for either 10k or BALLS and get a Cloud Staking Plan included. These will be sold in waves; size of sales undetermined and timing unknown, but price will never change. First wave will open very, very soon. Instead of an investment opportunity, think of this as a cheap voucher you can use yourself or give to a friend. Essentially, it's a $40 coupon for about 50 cents with no expiration date that is transferable and may or may not be worth more in the future

1989 Dead Coins Total