1989 Dead Coins, Contact For Errors
Umbrella LTC
Ticker: ULTC
Launch: 2014
Death: 2015
Type : Coin
Supply: 6 Million
Founder : Hidden
Reason : Desertion

More Details : Umbrella LTC

Umbrella LTC (ULTC) started in 2014 and finished in 2015, with a total supply of 6 million coins. The team/founder is hidden, The main reason this coin was listed is desertion.

As a community we have embraced autonomous digital currencies and have driven them to great heights. We have enjoyed all the benefits they provide, from decentralization, to a certain amount of anonymity for everyday purchases. The achilles heel is they are only as good as the exchange who holds them. A look at history begins to paint a picture of extreme loss, fraud, and other misuse by these “trusted” exchanges. Exchange fraud and insolvency have all too frequently become common headlines. We want to see Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies flourish, these irresponsible acts are inexcusable as they tarnish the image of something we truly believe in. The miner is almost always in the crosshair and has no where to turn for help. We envision decentralised exchanges helping to solve some of the problems. Other issues will not be solved anytime soon, such as the conversion to fiat. Since fiat is not on a blockchain, we see no way for a complete decentralised exchange. Enter Umbrella, the merge-minable aspect makes it effortless to mine your own insurance without sacrificing your hash. Move it to a trusted CDIC approved exchange, or offline to the CDIC’s cold storage vault and you are covered, simple as that.

1989 Dead Coins Total