1989 Dead Coins, Contact For Errors
White Gold Shares
Ticker: WGS
Launch: 2014
Death: 2014
Type : Token
Supply: 130 Thousand
Founder : Hidden
Reason : Desertion

More Details : White Gold Shares

White Gold Shares (WGS) started in 2014 and finished in 2014, with a total supply of 130 thousand tokens. The team/founder is hidden, The main reason this token was listed is desertion.

We are a medium sized farm operating just out of Perth, Western Australia, we are operating a camel dairy, currently we produce over 325 litres per month, of which every drop is sold, with most shipped to the eastern states and some sent to New Zealand. We are one of just a handfull of businesses who have received Safe Food accreditation to sell pasteurised camel milk. Camel milk or 'white gold' has amazing effects on wellbeing. which i will talk about below. It sounds like a fairy tale because the studies that have been done with every illness diabetes, autism, cancer, crohns disease, coeliac disease, all types of liver diseases. Camel milk has been studied for nearly 30 years and its unique proteins and amino acids have a remarkable effect on health.

1989 Dead Coins Total